Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Note from the Past

Today I had the weirdest thing happen to me.  I received a letter from myself...weird right?  I wrote in while in high school and I wrote what I thought would happen to me in 5 years.  I have to say that I am terrible at telling the future (especially my own).  Here is a little check list of what I thought would happen:

1. I would be married 
2. Being at a University would be a thing of the past (aka. I would have graduated)
3. My major would be Pharmaceutical Tech.
4. I would be less busy
5. My spelling would improve
6. I would like the same things
7. I would own my own car (and I quote "a mini cooper or BMW would be nice")
8. I would keep in touch with my high school friends
9. I would pass my AP Art History text
10. I would visit Disney World

I have to admit that most of those things made me laugh.  Numbers one through six are just ridiculous to me at this point.  I am not married, I have not graduated, I am not going to make thousands of the pharmaceutical industry, I am more busy, and I am still the same lousy speller.  As far as liking the same things, I have move on to better fashions and more interesting topics so no complaining there.  My life definitely didn't turn out the way I planned, which is okay for the most part.  I may not be graduating in Pharm. Tech, but I will graduate (one semester left!) in English. I don't think my life will ever be "less busy" which I am okay with.  I do have my own car (sadly it is not a Mini Cooper or BMW which is okay because I like Audi's better anyway), I have kept in touch with my friends and see them often.  Also, I managed to pass by all my AP tests (not just Art History) and not only have I gone to Disney World, but I have gone twice (I love Disney!).  It is hard to imagine that I though doing chemistry for the rest of my life was what I wanted to do. 

All in all, it was interesting to reflect on the past and how much I have changed.  I have experience many things that I would never have dreamed about in high school, like: living in China, majoring in English, going on a cruise to the Caribbean, and riding a dolphin (on said cruse). I guess this would also be a good time to put down things I would want to do in the future (lets see if I can do better than 4 out of 10). Let's the next 5 years:

1. I still hope to be married
2. Graduated (okay, this one is a given but I am just trying to even out the odds)
3. Go to Italy
4. Have kids (now this is scary)
5. Be an editor (this one isn't likely, but what the heck)
6. Improve my grammar (since there is really no hope for my spelling skills)
7. Read over 1,000 books (lofty goal, but I can totally manage it)
8. Go back to China (or at least somewhere in Asia)
9. Have a least 10 pairs of Converse
10. Attend Comic Con

The last one is pretty geeky, but who wouldn't want to take pictures of all those people who dress up?  It is so interesting to me.  Anyway, what goals do you have for your future (or what were you past goals)?