Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A New Start!

So it is a new year and like most people I know I have some "resolutions", one of which is to write on this blog more often (notice how I didn't specify how often).  I have also finally decided to get some things done which I have been putting for for years (and years and years....).  More about that will hopefully come later when I write more on this blog.  Before then, though, I write my list down so that I can keep track of my progress (hopefully on this blog).

1. Write on this blog more (got to start somewhere)
2. Lose 30lb (so I am not the fittest on the block, but after doing all these crunches at night and avoiding that huge bag of M&Ms from Costco I should be able to reach this)
3. Go somewhere exotic (I need some fun to counteract number 2)
4. Get a new job (I have one, but now that I have graduated it is about time I moved on)
5. Take a cooking class (Something I have wanted to do for a long time, but I never had the time)
6. Learn the art of framing pictures (a definite work in progress)
7. Save for a new car (mine is getting up there in mileage) 
8. Read at least 70 books this year
9. Sow something (this is going to be the hardest task as I have no talent in sowing)
10. Improve my piano playing abilities

Ten is a pretty good number of goals/resolutions.  I would like to at least complete 75% of these goals, but reality I am shooting for at least half.  While some are easy others will be more difficult.  They will also probably morph into different goals by the end of the year depending on what happens, but there you have it.  At least I am doing good on number 1 so far (dang those M&Ms).