Monday, May 16, 2011

Nonplus Life

I came across the word nonplus while doing my usual surfing around the internet.  I have to admit that I have wanted to start a blog for a while and have always been stuck on the first step (aka what to name it).  Hence, I felt this name was somewhat perfect.  Nonplus: "to render utterly perplexed; puzzle completely" (thanks!).  What puzzles me completely?  Well for one thing it is why I am starting a blog in the first place.  I have never been good at writing in a journal-type setting for very long, but maybe the fact that  it is on the computer will help me.  Life in general is pretty puzzling and those dang New York Times crossword puzzles are always rendering me utterly perplexed.  Of course, maybe at this point the better question would be what doesn't puzzle me completely?  

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